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Where youth dream big
CLAUDIA HOUSE is named after Claudia, a social worker and mother whom welcomed all teens of any ethnicity, race and religion into her home. She and her husband adopted three children, one of whom was bi-racial, one from Korea, and one from India. Two others lived with them during their teen years but were not formally adopted. Others were welcome to come and go as needed.
CLAUDIA HOUSE is an Oregon non-profit corporation created and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
CLAUDIA HOUSE's mission is to increase youth's behavioral, educational, and placement stability through short-term emergent care or longer term care.
CLAUDIA HOUSE's vision evolves around the well balanced development of a youth's mind, body, and spirit as a tool to overcome challenges and achieve success.
About Us
"Do not apologize for who you are or where you are in life, just set your sights high"
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